Health and Safety Policies

What is an H&S Policy?

A health and safety policy sets a clear direction for an organisation to follow and contributes to all aspects of business performance as part of a demonstrable commitment to continous improvement.

It should contain all the relevant parts, such as the Statement of Intent and the Organisation & Arrangements, which should say who does what, when and how, as well as the specific policies to let staff know what they should do in specific situations, such as using work equipment, working at height or dealing with hazardous substances.

Health and Safety Policies

What Problems do Businesses Face?

For many small and medium size companies who cannot justify a full time H&S manager this is a difficult and time consuming task. Even if there is one in place, things change, procedures, systems of work, work equipment, not to mention the ever changing world of H&S legislation, so unless you keep on top of this, your policy slowly becomes out of date, and un-reflective of the way your business operates. This document then starts to gather dust on a shelf somewhere until there's an accident or a client request and then the panic begins.

The solution

We'll draw up a policy specific to your business detailing all the various requirements, such as:

  • Statement of Intent – This sets out your general approach to ensuring your employees and others are safe and how you intent to satisfy the statutory requirements place upon you.
  • Organisation Section – Outlines who will be responsible for carrying out the various obligations such as completion of risk assessments, controlling fire safety measures.
  • Arrangements Section – Outlines how the specific tasks will be carried out such as, dealing with visitors, first aid provisions, reporting accidents, provision of training etc.
  • Specific Polices – These provide staff with the general rules and procedures required by the company and act as a reference tool to ensure activities are carried out in line with legal requirements.

To enquire about our packages or policies - Call us on 01224 900540 or Email us.